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Wedding 18th August - 2007 - Click on the images to see larger versions            Opens in a new Window
Verley (Julian), Rob N, Chris, Julia, Cam, Rob, Bob, Bob S, Gillian, Jean
Bob, Elisa and Josefine
Josefine, Elisa, Rob, Bob, Verley
The mothers - Verley & Conni
Rob (good lookig one with the ring) & Bob
Nick, Sean, Emma (half-hidden), Louisa, Geert, Dave & Margo
Chris, Julia, Bob S, Jean and Conni
Julius, Johannes, Alfred, Kristine, Alex, Elisa, Mark & Josefine
Niels and the bride
the deal has been done
the getaway
Relieved - we all said what we had to, including Elisa!
the well-wishing begins
Caroline, Elisa, Nick (behind Caroline), Anitha, Brita
Louise, Andrew and Anitha
Gillian, Helen with Julian, Maria
Exiting the church - pre rice
Exiting the church - post rice
us 2
us 2
Bob, Verley, us, Niels & Conni
Bob, Helen, Verley, us, Anne-Birthe (our priest) Niels & Conni
back to us


the Irish lasses - Margo, Helle, Caroline and Mao
Bob, Verley, Charlie (seated) Mike and Maria Gibbs
Birgitte, Rob (the short one) and Bart
Ann, Rob N, Chris and Julia
Conni and Caroline
the getaway car with accessories